Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Poet, Intellectual, Romantic, Dreamer

No matter how familiar I am with the surroundings, the romanticised little vignettes never fail to make me reevaluate. Almost recalibrate. I think when we become entrenched in a particular place, in a routine, in the bustle, the noise and dirt and daily frustrations, we lose the rose tint and trade it for grey. Clichés, for all intents and purposes, rekindles the spark.
I realised that as I was cataloging these images, I unthinkly labelled them pause, linger, read, scribble, wonder, look, ponder. Sure, it could be the backdrop of Paris that makes such editorials an enduring staple. But beyond that, it's the idealised Life associated with Paris that tugs at our heartstrings. The life of the poet, the intellectual, the romantic, the dreamer. Having experienced Sorbonne nurtured philosophy, I can attest to carefree days being quite tainted by papers and actual research. What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't have to be Paris and it doesn't have to be endless days of sitting in cafes and strolling the streets. All we have to do is find some time, once in a while, to Live these lost moments. To retrieve the magic in our days and pause, linger, read, scribble, wonder, look and ponder.
Enjoy your weekend loves.

par shopbop


  1. It just never loses its charm!

  2. I really like your blog dear!
    Keep up with the good work! :)


  3. Gorgeous photos, and you are a great writer! I really enjoyed reading this post : )

  4. Perfect outfits for fall in Paris. sometimes the best way to reconnect is by spending time outside in nature.

  5. Wow, you have great blog!
    Love this photos, they look like a real Paris fall style, the last photo is especially so inspiring, really want this kind of jacket!
    Would you like to follow each other?
    Have a nice day,
